Parent/ Guardian Information:
Parent/ Guardian Information will also be used as emergency contact unless noted otherwise.
I/we realize that participation in activities could result in some possible personal injury. Despite precautions being taken by our organization, accidents and injuries may occur. By signing this release form, I/we (the children and parent/guardian) assume all risks related to the use of any and all spaces in Spruce Grove Community Church.
We are currently in the process of implementing new procedures in certain areas that you should be aware of:
Sign In/Out
Parents will be required to sign their children in and get nametags from the computer in the foyer before the children are released to their classes. Sign-out will be done in each child's classroom.
Drop Off and Pick Up
Children are released from the service after worship! However, children must not be left in our classrooms until our workers are present and ready to receive children.
Workers are NOT ALLOWED to walk your children back to you. Please be respectful of the time of our volunteers and be prompt to pick up!
For the safety and protection of our children, ONLY the people listed on the child's approved list will be allowed to pick up the child.